There are moments in business that stop you in your tracks. For me, receiving this heartfelt letter from a client, Sharon, was one of those moments. The depth of her words, her vulnerability, and the impact of our journey together left me utterly blown away. With her permission, I’m sharing this letter to highlight the incredible power of art, authenticity, and human connection.
Dear Mel,
“We must find time to stop and thank those people who make a difference in our lives” John F Kennedy
For the past 3 years, I have decided to undertake my own gratitude project, to thank and acknowledge individual people who have had a very helpful & meaningful impact in my life. You are one of those really beautiful people.
“No one comes into your life by chance. People come into our lives when we need them to. Our paths crossed for a reason. A need was met. Some will stay longer than others, all should be embraced…” Joseph Andrus
Our meeting this year has been so serendipitous for me. When I walked passed your stall at the Body, Mind and Spirit Festival, your inspiring & stirring business concept and the artistic ‘no makeup’ black & white empowering photographic images of women sent chills through me. I had goose bumps! I remember thinking, ‘What a very powerful, creative, authentic and expressive idea for you to walk alongside supporting & empowering women to see their worth. Each of the women featured photographically in your Mind, Body and Spirit Festival stall looked stunning in a very authentic captivation of each woman in her own rawness, by you, as the artist crafting evocative & vivid black and white photographic portraiture.
Today as I write I reminisce…….secretly wishing at the time, whilst walking away from your Mind, Body, and Spirit Festival stall thinking, ‘I wonder if I might ever have the courage to embark on such a vulnerable journey’.
“People may forget what you said. People may forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou
I would like to acknowledge how much I have valued how you have made ME feel from your kind, safe, gentle, encouraging, compassionate, competent, professional, genuine, passionate, empathic and authentic manner. You have made me feel like I matter, that I am important to acknowledge, honour & celebrate. Thank you.
I have really, really appreciated your genuine, very reassuring and comforting manner. I would like to acknowledge how much I value these human qualities. It is indeed a significant gift- the emotionally safe space you enabled, for me to be vulnerable and brave sharing the challenges of relationships and life experiences in a confidential, supportive & cathartic space.
Your skill in carefully and mindfully listening to me has been treasured. Offering for me to share my thoughts, concerns & ideas all throughout the process via a phone call, email or sms was & is very much respected. For me to take up your generous gift more than once, to have a safe space to share, is indeed telling of the beautiful soul you are Mel. For me to be vulnerable and share my inner world with you is indicative of the very safe space you consistently held for me each and every step of the way. This was all the more important as I had chosen to explore this portraiture journey by myself with no outside dialogue to influence or sway my own discourse. This choice created a very sacred self-compassionate space for me to enhance taking notice of my thoughts, feelings, body sensations & intuitive voice. You were the only person who was aware of this deeply personal adventure which made our collaboration all the more precious.
I think you are astonishing, evolving such a meaningful business idea & passion for supporting women, their wellness and wellbeing, self –compassion, self–belief, self-esteem & self-worth and for many, like me, to renovate my own narrative.
I’m not sure you realise just how much this raw (no makeup!!) empowering photographic experience with you has been for me. I cherish my empowerment portrait experience as an ‘extremely memorable moment marker’ in my life. The journey has indeed been so emotionally immersive, personally moving, deeply reflective, profoundly transformative, life-changing and very cathartic. How I felt and viewed my SELF and my body prior to the empowerment portrait experience to now, has been incredible, remarkable, mind blowing really… & very self-actualising & existential. Before the empowering portraiture journey with you, I found it uncomfortable and challenging to look at myself in the mirror or in a photo. I would tend to be critical and think words to the effect, I wish I was prettier. If only I didn’t have the acne scars if only I didn’t have cellulite. First-world issues!!!! Challenging and painful nonetheless. There is such a story & context behind & within each one of my photographic monochrome portraits & silhouettes…. The eyes, the body stance, and the attention to detail of the physical body such as character lines, wrinkles, the greying of hair, scars, muscle, capturing my humanity, soul & spirit, the varying nuances of mood & temperament, the use of light and shade/dark, the varying tints, hues, shades & tones, soft and hard surfaces/textures makes for an evocative collection honouring the uniqueness of me.
The collaborative & the attentively artistic choosing of outfits to meet the goals of the photographic brief whilst, at the same time, competently and softly, organically embracing the photographic shoot to also evolve into spontaneous magic photographic moments.
When I look at, delight in, bathe, inhale, ponder, sit with, soak up the extraordinary collection of evocative photographic images of me, I really love her. I SEE her. I HEAR her. She has such a voice in each one of the enchanting, vulnerable, diverse & realistic black and white photographic images. She is strong, capable, gentle, shy, resilient, oh my god…so resilient, adept, introverted, creative, quiet, thoughtful, mysterious, brave, funny, kind-hearted, beautifully sensitive, empathic, affectionate, compassionate & soulful. So many layers, so many life experiences captured. She is ME.
I have had a very noticeable ‘felt’ sense of change after the very professional process of our collaborative empowering portraiture journey. I would never have dreamed or imagined the transformation within myself from before to after this collective journey with you Mel. I now notice having a quiet inner strength, interestingly, in the Solar Plexus Chakra, which I have only noticed in my body since the empowerment portrait experience. I notice walking taller with developing confidence. I see the portraits in my mind at different moments in a day and I notice feeling quietly, unpretentiously somewhat more assured.
Thank you so much for how much you have helped me be so much more kind and gentle towards myself and to engage in self -dialogue which is affirming & complimentary, to be a best friend & partner to my SELF. A new normal for sure is emerging! Furthermore, whilst still a work in progress, I also notice feeling more comfortable in my physical body and valuing how much my body has looked out for and looked after me for some 58 years navigating the challenges, miracles, routines & surprises in my life.
The gorgeous wooden display box is exquisite. I very much delight in this subtle contained, eloquent presentation for my 16 unique, delicious photographic images which can be revealed, changed freely, organically, spontaneously, depending on my need in any moment in time.
Each and every step of the ‘no makeup’ empowering portrait journey with you has been so professional, classy, breathtaking & seamless. Also, for the first time in my life, I now have a heartfelt, genuine & raw visual portraiture legacy to pass on to my children. Photos I adore of myself to share with my loved ones.
“Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” Jean Baptiste Massieu
Enclosed is a small symbol of my gratitude for the profoundly precious place you have in my heart and soul.
Sharon xx
Mel’s Reflections
Reading Sharon’s words brought me to tears. It reminded me why I do what I do—to hold space for women to see themselves as they truly are: beautiful, strong, and worthy of celebration.
The empowering portrait journey is more than photography; it’s about transformation, healing, and self-acceptance. Sharon’s story is a testament to what can happen when we step into vulnerability and allow ourselves to be seen.
To every woman who has trusted me with their story, thank you. It is an honour I don’t take lightly.
If you’re ready to embark on your own empowerment journey—to see yourself through a new lens—I’m here to walk alongside you. Book in your experience here.
With gratitude and love,