Hi, I’m Mel a portrait photographer. I help women reclaim their identity and embrace ALL of who they are with black & white “NO Makeup” Empowerment portraits so they can awaken their strength and beauty within.

If you already know who you are and want to celebrate you right now, this is for you too. This investment in your mental well being and personal growth, is one thing we often don’t make the time for in our busy lives. I believe our journey in life to grow to our full potential is ongoing. My work is inspired by my own journey.  

My Journey

A few years ago, I struggled with being proud of who I was and found there were a lot of women out there who felt the same way. So I started the “Empowering Women Photography Project” as I believed women including myself needed to be more proud of who we are as we are and not let society dictate who or what we should be or look like. 

Media portrays a lot of false representations about how we should be as women and I felt we needed to move away from this idea of ‘perfectionism’.

“It should be the responsibility of photographers today to free women and finally everyone from the terror of youth and perfectionism” – Peter Lindbergh

When we are proud of who we are, we find peace within and it is this inner peace that awakens our inner strength and confidence.

With that confidence you can conquer anything you want to.

So how was I going to help women be proud and be at peace with who they are through photography?

I wanted the photographs to be real and raw and the only way to do this was with no makeup.

“No makeup?!”

You are not alone if that scares you but trust me, I haven’t had one woman regret doing this for themselves. We experience fear all the time but if you don’t embrace it you don’t get to try new experiences and grow as a person. Remember I am on this journey with you.

I chose black and white photography because it takes you straight to your soul where your beauty truly exists.

That is what I want to photograph for you: your inner beauty – the most authentic part of you. When you see this in your photographs it will change how you see yourself.

At the completion of my project, I realised I found a new purpose in my career and in my life too.

I had fallen in love with being able to capture a woman’s authentic self.

I am calling it “Empowering Women of Today”.

Empowering Women of Today

I invite you on this journey of self-discovery and self-worth and come have an ‘Empowering Women Photography Experience’ with me. I would love to meet and connect with you. Book Now.

“To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect — and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are. I’ve learned that there is no better way to invite more grace, gratitude and joy into our lives than by mindfully practicing authenticity.” – Brené Brown

What Clients Say

“Thank you so much Mel, it wasn’t really as difficult or confronting as I thought it would be. The whole process has made me realise how low my self-esteem has always been. You’re sensitive, tasteful and artistic portraits have really helped me shed some of that negative emotion and made me realise how shallow that superficial like or dislike about our physical appearance really is.  I have definitely gained strength and a better understanding of myself doing this.  I love your work and the passion you have for it.  You deserve to be proud.  A big heartfelt hug from me” – Miss M.

Mel is an award winning and Master of Photographer.

Mel completed her Diploma of Photography in 2009 and her photography business was originally based on photographing kids and families but has since found a new purpose in helping women celebrate who they are and finding their self worth. Mel originally studied nursing and completed my Bachelor of Nursing in 1993 which she finds helps her today with connecting and building relationships with her clients.


Diploma of Photography 2009

Bachelor of Nursing 1993


Which BADASS Iconic Woman You Are Most Like?